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The top five reasons we say we have nothing to wear
Style Tips

Top 5 reasons we say we have “nothing to wear”

“I have nothing to wear”…Does that sound familiar? “But your closet is full of clothes!”, says that that little voice inside your head. How can you have nothing to wear when you literally are standing in front of a closet full of clothes?

This is so normal, okay? It really is. And I know it stinks. And it’s a really sucky way to start the day, especially being a mom, a working mom, a business owner, a wife, you name it…You’ve got all these other responsibilities.

And the last thing that you want to think about is what you’re going to wear.  So, what happens is, we create this decision fatigue, and honestly, we have created it ourselves.

So here’s the deal. There are five reasons why we continue to say this to ourselves. And today, I hope to change that for you. 

Top 5 reasons we say we have “nothing to wear”

These may or may not be your reasons, but these are some of the top ones that females feel like they never have anything to wear.

We don’t take the time to create new outfits from the clothing we already own.

Instead, we just go buy something new. So what happens is by constantly doing that, and not taking a little bit of extra time to dig into your closet, we don’t brainstorm what’s in our closet right now to see what we can use in our own wardrobe.

 All you need is 10 minutes at a time, or like I said earlier, one day a month for 30 minutes and go look in your closet. Just start putting things together, mix and match new things, add some variety. 

If you don’t know how to do this on your own, which is totally okay, maybe you need an outside perspective. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve worked one on one with a client.

I’ve gone into her closet to do a closet audit or closet cleanup. And we are both amazed at all of the new outfits that I have recreated for her. Having that outside perspective is super, super useful. (And I’ll drop the link down below where you can reach me to kind of do that one on one if that’s something that you’re interested in.)

We’re always in a rush.

We have these last-minute events. And because we’ve already started our closet off with a mess many times and some disorganization,  we’ll go out and shop for something.

But guess what happens. Because many times we’re not sure what looks great with our body shape, or because we really are just in such a rush, we just want to get whatever we can get just to get ready for that event, we will get whatever we can get. And then we come home and we’re like, I don’t really like this.

So you end up sometimes not even wearing it at all. And if you continue to do that over and over and over again, you end up with it closet full of clothes, and nothing to wear.

Take the time to learn a little bit more about what fits your body shape. Learn what styles you love to better elevate your look a little better by knowing what your style is.

And if you need some guidance with that reach out to this sister. It’s okay to get some help. That’s what stylists are here for.

And I’ll tell you…I am not your typical stylist. Because I didn’t go to fashion school. I’m not a runway model. But I too, have said to myself, I have nothing to wear.

I too wasn’t sure what my style was. I too love to shop and used to shop unintentionally. And you know what? Sometimes I still do all that on occasion…but I have better control of it now because I know exactly what goes well with my body type, my shape, and my style. And so these are all things that somebody like myself can help you with. 

Related Post: Closet Clean Up Checklist

You are hiding your accessories.

When things are out of sight, they’re out of mind, right? So here’s what you want to do. Get them out of your drawer, get them out of that jewelry box, get them out of the little Premier Designs boxes if you bought Premier Designs Jewelry from me…and although I do love that you’re trying to keep it organized that way., keep those accessories out.

Keep them close to your closet, and close to your wardrobe.

A hanging jewelry armoire is great for this! (Pinterest has really great ideas on jewelry organization.) You can also use those tie and belt loops or hangers that are for your closet to organize your accessories. You don’t need that much space.

Next time you go to get dressed, you’ll put on your top,  then add a layering fashion accessory piece like a kimono, denim jacket, a cardigan, a duster, then, of course, your pants.

And then the last thing you’ll do (but the very first thing that people notice about you) is put your jewelry on. There is no more reason to run out that door without jewelry and without feeling put together and have that polished look.

You’re frustrated with your style.

I’ve been there with this one, too, so I can totally relate. I personally to have been very frustrated with my style in the past.

When you’re not so sure of your style and how to express it with your clothing, you go out shopping. And then you find a top that you love and you buy it in every color possible.

So here’s what happens then…you end up having duplicates, and you end up having the same style of tops, or pants or skirts or dresses in your closet. And there’s no variety.

So although duplication is great (and I’m not saying not to do it),  sometimes we can go a little bit overboard, and our closet starts to become a bit stale with the same style pieces. That means that there’s no excitement anymore in our clothing because everything looks the same.

My suggestion? Take note of styles that you like, take pictures, and keep a list. And that way when you see certain styles that you do like, you add them to your lists on your phone or to your Pinterest board and it’s always with you when you’re out shopping.  You’ll end up with more variety instead of always getting the same thing over and over.

You go shopping without intention.

I love shopping with my girlfriends and my mom. In fact, growing up that was our thing -to go shopping. It was one of our favorite “extracurricular” activities to do together, and my mom and I still do it.

However, times for me now have changed. Thankfully. (I know my husband is thankful too!) Plus, my wallet is also thankful.

Instead of buying something because I like how it looks and it’s for a great price, if it’s not on my list or it doesn’t have a purpose that I can think of, I’m not going to buy it.

Keep a list of items that you feel are missing from your closet. And if you’re not sure what those gaps are, that’s where I can come help!

That way, the next time you go shopping, you’ll know exactly what to shop for. You’ll also find more versatility that way when you know exactly what to look for and the reason why you want it.  

I hope this was helpful and if you loved what you’ve read today!  

Would love to hear from you personally!  Feel free to reach out to me with any questions or to book a complimentary Style video chat with me!

nothing to wear


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