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Your Style According To Your Zodiac Sign
Style Tips

Your Style According To Your Zodiac Sign

Hey girl! What’s your sign? I can’t tell what’s in store for you with or in your future job based on your sign, but for FUN I can tell you how your stylish year may look!

Are you into reading your horoscope? I have this love-hate relationship with those things. Because I’m definitely a believer in the law of attraction. And so I feel that if I pay attention to anything negative that I read, especially if it’s something like a horoscope, my perception is that the rest of the day is going to go badly and that’s just going to be stuck in my head.

Just know that what you’ll read below is for fun. I don’t have a crystal ball. I wish I did, don’t you?

If it’s not right on target with your personal style, maybe it will inspire you to just make a few little changes so that your style aligns with who you are.

Your Style According To Your Zodiac Sign

Your style according to your zodiac sign

I’m an Aries. My birthday is in March. My style horoscope actually pretty much does align really well with who I am. So I hope that you find this fun but also maybe you pick up some tips from it style tips that will help you with putting yourself together

So are you ready? I’m actually going to start with Kimberly, who gave me her zodiac sign earlier and she is a Leo so let me look this up.


Okay, so first let’s talk about your style qualities. You definitely are a loyal friend. You are someone that people want to be in your squad. And not only are you creative but you have a passion for life.

You love attention with a bold wardrobe. You’re creative. you’re passionate, you’re generous. You’re warm-hearted. You are admired and you like bright people, bright colors, and you’re a people person. (I love that because I am too but I’m not a Leo but still we actually kind of connects with this.)

So style qualities: You’re unafraid to try new things when it comes to your style. You do love colors and you like vibrant colors. You aren’t on the run to go get the latest and greatest trends. (I know sometimes we feel like we’re in this rut that because we don’t we don’t have the latest and greatest trends. And I’m one to tell you I do not run after trends Not at all!)

You also trust your own gut when you’re getting dressed. Does that sound like you?



You are just simply sophisticated. You also love comfortable pieces, but you do add a twist to them. So although you are about being cozy and comfortable, you do like to add some bold mixes to your basics.

You’ve got an amazing wardrobe that fits exactly who you are and your personality. Your strengths are that you are responsible, and you’re disciplined. You are a good manager so I’m thinking you’re probably a good leader. And you love family traditions and you love music.

As your style goes, as I said you like simple and sophisticated and comfy but you also like to stock up on the basics too.


You love to experiment with your style. You don’t shy away from bold colors and prints. You’re passionate and you are a go getter as well.

When it comes to your style, you love to take a walk on the wild side. But you love to be creative and unique with your style. You are trendy and you also are vibrant, too.  


You’re subtly sexy with your style, which is awesome. But you also have a little bit of whimsical flair to it as well. You love to be subdued, but impactful with your style. People grab gravitate towards you because of your humor.

You’re compassionate, artistic and you enjoy quiet time. Comfortable styles are your thing. You love gemstones, and you look fabulous and the latest and greatest silhouettes.


You can go from zero to 100 really quickly with your style, which is definitely me, as well as on other levels as well. You’re a master of creating a seamless look that takes you from your office to going out on a date going out to dinner, going out with friends going out to a happy hour.

You’re a courageous, determined, confident, enthusiastic, optimistic kind.


You love to be fashion forward. Not afraid to stand out from the crowd at all. You are dependable. You’re patient.

You wear high-quality clothes, and you’re not afraid to work with your hands. And you definitely need your clothes to have form and function.


Geminis you take fashion risks, and you love to switch things up. You are a risk taker when it comes to fashion. You love wearing pieces that turned heads and you’re gentle, and affectionate as well.

You’re also curious, adaptable and you learn very quickly. You never wear the same thing twice.


You take an opportunity anytime that you can dress up. You love dressing up, never too stuffy though. You have a refined sense of style.

You are imaginative, you’re loyal. You’re emotional, persuasive. And again, always working.

You are elevated and elegant no matter where you are.


You have a deep love for classics. You gravitate towards tailored silhouettes.

You are always polished. You always look very grown-up butut it’s never like too overdone. You definitely have your signature style.

You’re loyal, analytical, kind, hard-working practical. You love classics and tailored pieces. You like to have more of a uniform and color when it comes to your closet.  

You’re definitely into like the buttoned-up style and you have a great sense of humor. You’re charming, mysterious. You love truth and facts being writes. And you’ve got lots of longtime friends.

So, what do you think of your style horoscope?

I would love to welcome you into the Style by Tribe.  It’s in a small group intimate community on Facebook. It is a paid program.

We go through levels of style transformation, starting with how to love and embrace your body shape and your body’s hype.

You learn what colors work for you, we create a personal unique color palette for you. I do give you your very own color analysis. We go into your closet and we do some closet organization. You learn how to shop with intention, just so many resources.

If you’re interested, I would love to have you join!  




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