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Personal Style,  Style Tips

Understanding Personal Style and Why It’s Important

Your style is uniquely you and is ever changing. As your lifestyle changes, as your likes and dislikes change, so does your style. Personal style is important and being able to develop your style in the way you feel most confident is important too.

Before we dig into how to develop your personal style we need to consider what is Style?

What is Style?

"Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak."

I’m sure you’ve heard that quote. Style is NOT to be confused with trends and is what tells your story through the fashion that you wear.  So, it makes it very personal which is the total opposite of trends or being “trendy”. Unlike trends, which come and go and are not personal, your style tells others your story without verbally communicating.

And this story is ever-changing and evolving because we are constantly changing and evolving depending on our age, experiences, lifestyle, jobs, relationships and so on. As a Stylist, I can’t tell you what your style is without learning about you.  Just as you can’t tell what your style is by the “trends” you see in fashion magazines or online. When you take a deeper look into yourself you too will learn and develop your personal style which will be reflected more authentically.


Grab your free closet checklist to help you clean up your closet and revolutionize how you get ready in the morning.

Style is Important

Style is a very powerful tool and important for many reasons but here are my top three reasons:

1. Within 3-5 seconds people are making a first impression of you.

2. Your style will make you memorable.

3. You express yourself through your style so when you discover your style, your self-image is improved and you build confidence.

First Impressions

It’s not about being judgy, it’s about being human.  Without opening your mouth to verbally communicate with someone, your style is letting them know qualities about you.  For example: Are you someone of authority, trustworthy, intelligent, someone they can count on? These are just a few thoughts that go through our minds in those first few seconds.

Make it memorable!

Your style is your billboard.  How many times have you met someone whether it be at a networking event or in a mom’s group and you can’t remember their name but  you remember something their outfit?

Your style adds an edginess to you that people will remember.

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Self-Image & Confidence

Knowing who you are and how to express it is shown in your confidence with your wardrobe. Most women I consult with (including myself) have “a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear”. How many times have you told yourself this? Women only wear about 20% of what’s in their closet because many times we shop unintentionally.  

Feeling Your Style

When you wear an outfit and you know you’re going to make a positive first impression in it as well as feel confident and fabulous, then you’ve chosen the right fashion pieces for your style. This feeling is your tool to guide you when you’re shopping and pulling working parts from your wardrobe together.

Defining Your Style

After reading this, take a moment to think about a few things the next time you’re getting dressed.

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  • Are you happy with each piece in your wardrobe?
  • Does it make you feel confident and fabulous when you wear it?
  • Is it something that people will remember you by?

If your answer is ever “no” or you’re not really sure, than it’s a tosser and needs to be donated.  No need for it to take up space with items that bring value to you.

Once you evaluate what’s in your wardrobe and focus on the pieces that feel like you and express who you are, then you’ll have a clearer understanding of what your style is and can incorporate that more intentionally into your clothing style.

Want help evaluating your wardrobe?

Grab your free closet checklist to help you clean up your closet and revolutionize how you get ready in the morning.

Check out my services for even more ways to work with me as your personal stylist. Don’t be afraid to reach out for a personal one-one-one consultation either. You can contact me here or reach out on any of my social media platforms.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. If you want to check out more style tips, trends and promos head over to my Facebook page at Style Rebel Mama.  

View all of the fabulous Premier Designs Jewelry collection by here!

In friendship & Sparkle,


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