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Personal Style,  Style Workshops

Rediscover your personal style with a personal stylist at your fingertips

What if I told you that you could have a personal stylist at your fingertips, all from the comfort of home? Read on, my friends…this can soon be your reality!

You’re an independent woman, successful and loving life thinking, “Why can’t I just get the one outfit for the day put together in seconds instead of changing it multiple times before I finally decide?” 

Here’s one BIG reason why — because knowing how to define your personal style with confidence so that you create outfits that align with your authentic self isn’t something we were born knowing or something most of us learned growing up. 

That doesn’t mean it’s not possible and that you should continue buying clothes that you “think” you love (until you bring it home and feel like it goes with nothing in your wardrobe). 

It also doesn’t mean that you should continue to buy trends because you think they’ll make you feel and look more stylish OR buy something just because you got it for a steal. 

And it definitely doesn’t mean you need an entire new wardrobe and can’t fill in the gaps with budget friendly items. In fact, it’s totally the opposite. 

When you have the guidance and style tools to help you own your style with confidence, the possibilities are endless!

That’s what the monthly Style Vibe Tribe membership is designed to do for you!

No more changing outfits and decision fatigue!

After announcing the Style Vibe Tribe, I’ve received a couple of messages from participants of the Level Up Your Style Vibe Challenge and how excited they are to have me offer this membership. 

 Honestly, I knew in my heart it’s something that us women need but then again I really didn’t know and I didn’t expect the response I’m getting. 

I get it, it’s time to take action and feel empowered. 

Not only will this be your place to transform your style, but there’s more to it!

Benefits of the Style Vibe Tribe

Now you have a place where you can feel comfortable to practice your style and:

  • Get advice from me and even the other amazing women in the group 
  • Build new relationships with like-minded women 
  • Gain confidence and knowledge to help you in other aspects of your life

I know of communities like this that charge a huge investment (like thousands) for access to something like this. 

That’s not necessary in my opinion. So I designed The Style Vibe Tribe to make it affordable while still getting the value (plus more actually) of having a personal stylist accessible to you with continued guidance and without breaking the bank, and it’s only $27 per month as a Founding Member! 

 {Check out the details here}

 This is a simple decision.

Imagine if you stepped into your closet full of clothes that you actually wear and got dressed within seconds without changing your outfit multiple times. 

Yes, a wardrobe filled with clothes that you picked out perfectly for you because you know how to put outfits together and shop for your specific style personality and body shape with confidence and ease. 

After you get dressed, you finish up with your morning routine… maybe it’s getting the kids ready for school and dropping them off, then heading to work. Or maybe it’s getting ready for an important business meeting, speaking engagement or Facebook Live. Or maybe you have lots of errands to run. 

Whatever the occasion is, you do it with confidence and get things done because you feel good on the inside and are projecting that on the outside.

This feeling and this you is possible as a new way of life!

What stops us and vice versa moves us to make a decision to go for it?


Confidence is the main element that changes everything.  That’s why confidence in how you see yourself both inside and out is so important.  

What can you expect with the Style Vibe Tribe?

In the Style Vibe Tribe, that’s the first level of transformation you’ll experience. Confidence in knowing exactly how to dress for your body shape and how to create proportions that flatter your body shape instead of using clothing to hide areas that you feel aren’t so flattering.

Having knowledge and a positive perspective is what makes us confident when it relates to our style.  The Style Vibe Tribe was is designed to give you that knowledge and positive perspective so that you rock your style with confidence!

Ever feel like you’re not quite sure what types of clothing flatter your body shape the best?  So instead you just don’t wear certain things.

I used to do that with shorts and skirts because I was self-conscious about my legs. I recently told this story in the Style Challenge I just did.  Growing up as a dancer, I compared my legs often to my dancing peers’ legs because I didn’t have those long thin legs that the typical ballerina has.  This created a negative impact on my relationship with my body image for a very long time which led me to stay away from wearing shorts and skirts. Plus, instead of understanding my body shape so that I knew how to better define my style, I would just buy and buy and buy lots of clothing thinking that was having style.  Lots of wasted money on clothes that just sat there because I didn’t know how to wear it and coordinate it with other pieces.

This cycle is vicious and why many times we stand in front of our closet and feel like we have nothing to wear.  We do! It’s right in front of us. It just doesn’t align with who we are at the moment so we get frustrated and keep buying and keep getting overwhelmed.

What I finally learned was that I just needed to better understand my body shape and how to dress it with the right cuts and styles of shorts that would flatter my legs the best.  I didn’t need to not ever wear shorts again. AND I didn’t need to keep buying clothes that I wasn’t going to wear.

You are your biggest commitment – you’re stuck with yourself forever! Yourself deserves this. You deserve to feel empowered and to step up to the plate so you align yourself with who you are today and where you want to be in the future. 

And the women you’ll hang with in the Style Vibe Tribe!? AMAZING and incredible! 

This is no cookie cutter subscription box service – this is having a real human style guide along with other women all going for the same goal doing this together, supporting and motivating each other, as we go through this style journey. 

It’s time to create new relationships with women empowering each other!


Transform your style so it reflects the best version of you. 

Improve your life interactions both personally and professionally. 

Girl – I’m so excited to welcome you into the Style Vibe Tribe!

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