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Style Tips

4 Ways to Style Up Your Brand AND Increase Your Revenue

Are you ready to style up your brand AND increase your revenue? There’s a way that you can do both! 

I believe this, not only because I’m an image consultant and personal stylist, but I think that your style has everything to do with reaching your goals.

Here’s the thing, whether you are in business for yourself, or you work for a company, you still have a brand, and your brand is a representation of you.

If you are in business as an entrepreneur, or maybe you’re a consultant, a realtor, a thought leader, speaker, and author, how you show up will have a lot to do with reaching your goals. 

When you show up, there is an alignment between how you want people to perceive you and how you want to show up in business or as a professional.

I do that by helping you elevate your personal style and then also helping you boost your presence on social media.

That’s what we’re going to talk about today is four ways to style up your brand.

Even though I have been working from home for fourteen years, owning my business can be challenging. And it’s even more so a challenge when there are a lot of challenges going on universally in this world.

I invite you to think about this a little bit differently. It’s not really about everyone else. It’s about you.

It’s about what makes you feel good, motivated, productive to go about your day reach your goals, and so that’s really what style can do for you. I’ve mentioned this before, so if you’ve never heard of this?

Enclothed cognition.

Basically, what that means is that what you clothe your body with and what you put over your skin has a significant impact on your psyche. It will determine how you go about your day, how motivated you are, how productive you are, and how focused you are.

Because what you put on your body directly correlates with what you put out.

Whether that’s the energy you put out, the work you put out, or the communication with relationships you put out?

It has a direct effect, and so does color. So that’s why I love wearing colors.  

4 Ways to Style Up Your Brand AND Increase Your Revenue

You have seven seconds or less to make a first impression

You have seven seconds, literally seven seconds, to make a first impression.

It’s just human nature, people judge people based on first impressions, so if you are showing up even on Zoom, messy, sloppy, that’s the message that you’re going to put out there.

If you’re showing up with your clothes wrinkled, people are going to naturally, and I’m not trying to be harsh. Still, people will have this perception about you that you are disorganized, that you don’t have yourself together, that you’re just a hot mess, right?

Now, I’m not saying that you do that, but I’m just explaining how first impressions work and just trying to give you some prime examples.

Your dress code needs to change even if you’re working from home

If you’re looking to be perceived as somebody who’s classy, who’s dependable, who’s honest, who’s polished, who’s professional, then that’s how you want to show up.

And so your style has a lot to do with that. 

Work from home life doesn’t have to be that different from work from an office. Check what you’re wearing. I’m serious. Check it.

Put on some real pants. When you put on real pants, it’s a powerful garment that you put on because it’s making you feel like you can do anything that day.

So if you need to step up your mood a little bit, put on some pants instead of staying in your leggings or loungewear.

And I’ll give you another tip, the color yellow works really well as well.

Dress for your brand

How you dress is going to say a lot about your brand. How you dress tells a lot. Whether you’re an honest person, you’re dependable, you are knowledgeable, you are trustworthy, the same thing goes for your brand.

If you feel like your brand has more of an edgy tone to it, then dress edgy. If your brand is more classic, if it’s calmer, then you want to align yourself that way as well.

If your brand isn’t these things, then maybe it’s time to do a brand refresh and align your brands with you as a person because that’s really what your brand is about.

It should give people a whole encompassing story of who you are as a person and then how you tie that into your actual brand with your business.

Increase your self-perception about yourself

How you dress has a lot to do with that. If you dress frumpy, you’re going to think negative statements about yourself.

You’re not going to be in that positive mood, and the energy you put out will be negative.

That vibe will be negative, so to dress for success and dress positively, you need to change your self-perception about yourself and your clothing.

You don’t need to go out and get a whole new wardrobe to do this. It’s really a matter of knowing who you are as a person, embracing it, loving your body, no matter the size or shape, no matter your weight, embracing your body how it is today, and then dressing for today’s body.

Even if you have goals to lose five pounds, lose ten pounds, you want to dress and love yourself the way you are today, not how you hope to be. And I promise that will actually get you to your goal much faster.

Looking for even more style tips?


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